Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Busy With School

     I'm having trouble finding the energy to work on the blog. School has begun and I now have a self-contained classroom. I am teaching all subjects. We have a new reading program that is that thinks we have 3 hours to teach reading. I have not taught 3rd grade math before and this is a new math program since I taught in 1st grade.
     I had a Harry Potter movie marathon before school began and then I decided to read the Potter books since the movies can't include so many great parts of the stories. I'm now on Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. It's great fun to listen to the books on tape and then read parts of the books at home. I live close to work but I can get quite a bit read to and from work and running a few errands in the afternoon.
    Hope all my teacher friends are having a good beginning of school.

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